Early Childhood Music
Early Childhood Music: Music Fundamentals
Ages 3 to 7
When: Fall and Spring Sessions
Tuition: $415 per session + $20 registration fee
Crowden's early childhood music classes introduce musical building blocks and develop elements of collaborative music making in delightful interactive settings.
Ages 3 to 7

Crowden's Early Childhood Music classes begin with the spontaneous delight children take in interacting with music, and build music skills essential for instrumental study.
Music Fundamentals
Course Description
Music Fundamentals uses creative movement, songs, and improvisation to teach children to respond to music with their bodies, increasing coordination, spatial awareness, focus, and cooperation in a collaborative, social environment.
We encourage early learners’ natural propensity to question, to create, and to discover. This class creates an enjoyable, intentional learning experience rooted in early musical literacy and rhythmic movements.
Activities center around giving students tools to understand the world around them, and expose students to social emotional intelligence. Students will thoughtfully and purposefully interact with materials, use their imagination and creativity to inspire questions, and use their own reasoning skills to learn from and connect to the world around them. All musically, of course!
Music Fundamentals builds on a love for learning instilled with songs, play, and miming to lay a strong foundation for success in the years to come. Success for us means not only the acquisition of foundational musical concepts and skills, but also the adoption of scholarly habits and immersion in a culture which values learning above all other endeavors.
Children may enroll for the first time in any session, but each session contains new repertoire, and continues to build upon material and concepts taught in the previous sessions.
9:30–10:15am (ages 3–4 with parents)
10:30–11:15am (ages 4–5 with parents)
11:30am–12:15pm (ages 5–7)
Fall Session: September 21 to December 14 (no class November 30 for Thanksgiving Break)
Spring Session: January 18 to April 29 (no classes on February 15 or April 19)
How to Enroll
Complete our online registration form. Registrations are accepted until the class is filled. Full payment of tuition and fees should be included with the registration form.