Ways to Give

It’s easy to give at Crowden

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One-time or Recurring Gifts

Select your preferred frequency and payment method. Give a one-time gift or a recurring gift (monthly or annually). Payment options including credit card, paypal, check, or cash. Call us to ask about other payment methods.

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Matching Gifts

Many employers offer a Matching Gift Program. This is a tremendous benefit that can double or even trip your gift to Crowden! Please check with your Human Resources Department for details, or send your question our way to help you get started matching!

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Pledge by December, Pay by June

Crowden’s annual fund period runs July 1st to June 30th. You can pledge your donation during the year and fulfill your pledge payment before the end of June.

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Gifts of Securities

Gifts of stock or other appreciated property offer two-fold tax savings: Donors pay no capital gains on increased value of the appreciated property, and they receive an income tax deduction for the full market value at the time of the gift. Transferring securities is easy, so please contact us today.

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Planned Giving/ Endowment Giving

A planned gift to Crowden involves an endowment gift, or a future gift where Crowden is named in your estate plan or will.  All planned gift donors join the esteemed Anne Crowden Legacy Society by virtue of your planned gift. For more information about Endowment giving or Planned Giving, please contact us.

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Donor-Specified Funds

Do you have a Crowden program near and dear to your heart like our beloved Sundays @ Four chamber music series, Community Music Day, or the John Adams Young Composers Program? Make that which inspires you the focus of your gift to Crowden.

Have questions about how to give to Crowden?

Our Director of Development, Diane Stair, would love to speak with you and guide you in giving to Crowden. Reach out to her for answers to your questions at 510-559-6910, ext 121, or dstair@crowden.org

Crowden Music Center is a 501(c)(3) organization, tax I.D. number 94-2863366. Contributions are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law.

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